Starting with version 2.1.2, Grizzly supports JAX-WS web services execution via HTTP server framework. Using this feature it is possible to run JAX-WS web services without need to run them inside web-/app-server, but at the same time use all the Grizzly features in order to optimize web service execution.

How it works

The JAX-WS web services support is represented by the JaxwsHandler, which extends HttpHandler (see HTTP Server documentation functionality, so each time JaxwsHandler is getting called, it passes control to JAX-WS core, which in its turn calls correspondent web service.

A JaxwsHandler could be associated with only one web service, which could be passed to JaxwsHandler constructor.two ways:

  • Web service instance, so default configuration will be used;

  • WSEndpoint which may contain customized web services configuration, like binding, WSDL location etc…

A JaxwsHandler is able to process not just web service’s operation calls, but also meta data requests like requests for web service’s WSDL and XSD. So if you register JaxwsHandler to serve web service on *http://localhost:8080/addservice*, the WSDL of the service would be published at *http://localhost:8080/addservice?WSDL*.

JaxwsHandler Configuration

JaxwsHandler constructor parameters
implementer The web service instance. When using programmatic approach, it might be just an instance of class, annotated as @WebService. By using "implementor" approach, when constructing JaxwsHandler, we're actually asking JAX-WS core to configure web service basing on implementor's class name and annotations.
endpoint The web services, represented by WSEndpoint. Unlike "implementor" approach, when using endpoint, we can customize web service more finely. It's also possible to use external config files in this case.
isAsync If true, the JaxwsHandler will execute WebService in asynchronous mode, otherwise synchronous.


It’s very easy to publish web service, using Grizzly. Assume we have “add” web service declared following way:

import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;

public class AddService {
    public int add(@WebParam(name="value1") int value1, @WebParam(name="value2") int value2) {
        return value1 + value2;

In order to make this web service available on URL: *http://localhost:8080/add*, we do this:

HttpServer httpServer = new HttpServer();
NetworkListener networkListener = new NetworkListener("jaxws-listener", "", PORT);

HttpHandler httpHandler = new JaxwsHandler(new AddService());
httpServer.getServerConfiguration().addHttpHandler(httpHandler, "/add");


It’s easy to test this, just type *http://localhost:8080/add?WSDL* in your browser to check the web service’s WSDL.

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