HTML_BASIC render-kit
component-family: javax.faces.Command renderer-type: javax.faces.Script

Render a JavaScript function that invokes jsf.ajax.request() function.

Encode Behavior

Render an HTML script element. If the value of the "name" attribute does not contain a period . indicating a namespaced function name, then render JavaScript var keyword, followed by a space character. Render the value of the "name" attribute, followed by JavaScript assignment operator. Render JavaScript function which invokes jsf.ajax.request() with data provided by execute, render, onbegin, oncomplete, onsuccess and onerror arguments, if any.

If the component being rendered has any UIParameter children, each one of them must be encoded into params object of the options object of the jsf.ajax.request() function.

If the rendered JavaScript function is invoked with an object argument, each property must be encoded into params object of the options object of the jsf.ajax.request() function. This will override any property with the same key.

Decode Behavior

Obtain the Map from the "requestParameterMap" property of the ExternalContext. If the value in the Map for the value of the "javax.faces.source" equals to the "clientId" property of the component, create a javax.faces.event.ActionEvent around the component, and pass it to the queueEvent() method of the component, which must be an instance of UICommand.

This renderer is not responsible for rendering its children.


Attributes with a ignored-by-renderer value of true are not interpreted by the renderer and are conveyed straight to the rendered markup, without checking for validity. Attributes with a ignored-by-renderer value of false are interpreted by the renderer, and may or may not be checked for validity by the renderer.

attribute-name ignored-by-renderer attribute-class description default-value
 autorun false boolean Whether to execute declared JavaScript function during load event of the window. Defaults to false. undefined
 execute false java.lang.String This is a space separated list of client identifiers of components that will participate in the "execute" portion of the Request Processing Lifecycle. If a literal is specified the identifiers must be space delimited. Any of the keywords "@this", "@form", "@all", "@none" may be specified in the identifier list. If not specified, the default value of "@this" is assumed. For example, @this clientIdOne clientIdTwo. undefined
 name false java.lang.String Name of JavaScript function to be declared, e.g. name="functionName". This can be a namespaced function name, e.g. name="ez.functionName". undefined
 onerror false java.lang.String The name of the JavaScript function that will handle errors. undefined
 onevent false java.lang.String The name of the JavaScript function that will handle UI events. undefined
 render false java.lang.String This is a space separated list of client identifiers of components that will participate in the "render" portion of the Request Processing Lifecycle. If a literal is specified the identifiers must be space delimited. Any of the keywords "@this", "@form", "@all", "@none" may be specified in the identifier list. If not specified, the default value of "@none" is assumed. For example, @this clientIdOne clientIdTwo. undefined
 resetValues false java.lang.Boolean Reset specific input values. Interpret the value of the render attribute as a space separated list of client identifiers suitable for passing directly to UIViewRoot.resetValues(). The implementation must cause an ActionListener to be attached to the ActionSource component in which this tag is nested that calls UIViewRoot.resetValues() passing the value of the render attribute as the argument. undefined

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