Attendees: Paul, Judy, Sankar, Jane, Byron, Sreenivas, Prashanth and Rajeshwar. Discussion Summary:
- Paul updated on docs status. Except JBI online help we are all set for beta 2. JBI online help will be available by April 3rd.
- Judy provided an update on testing and the bugs QA is expecting development to fix for beta 2. QA tested build 40 and filed around 5/6 bugs. QA waiting for a fix(bug:6509003)from Kedar. QE will re-run the sqe core tests on build 41(beta build).
- Kedar talked about the default security for cluster profile(Bug 6509003). He talked about why we should go for http instead of https for cluster profile.
- Paul proivded update on documentation
Expectin JBI document integration this week as planned. We send out request for general doc review after beta 3 HCF.
- Judy provided update on QA
QA started testing build 41. They are running pe/se tests on different profiles. No red flags. Around 250 SE tests on cluster profile are failing. Sankar is going to investigate and get back to us in 3-4 days. QA will come up with list of must-fix bugs for beta 3 in two/three days. QA will be testing beta2 build till April 19th.
- Sreeni provided update on Java ee 5 sdk TV campaign.
- Sankar to provide environment/help Bryon to reproduce bug 6512000