Meeting Minutes for 03 Dec 2007
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Attendees: Jane, Sreeni, Sankar, Byron, Deepa, Paul, Kedar, Nandini, Rajeshwar QA update - Sankar
- 9.1 UR1 - ran tests on Sparc and Windows and no major issues reported.
- preparing for 9.1.1 milestone 3
- Kedar clarified that 9.1.1 is actually two products: GlassFish + SailFin
- Sankar confirmed that QA is testing the SailFin layer - new admin additions to SailFin. No updates on when QA will be testing GlassFish 9.1.1 portion.
- A.I.: Sreeni to clarify with lead/management on 9.1.1 release and functionality.
Documentation update - Paul
- working on 9.1 UR1 release notes
- working on update and migration guide on
- finishing up with online help registration
- 9.1.1 - weekly discussion in the pteam meeting.
- V3 doc project - no external participation yet
- Kedar brought up issue with bug 6636407, filed by Nga. This bug is related to inplace upgrade. It's not clear what is supported: inplace upgrade 9.1 to 9.1 UR1 installation or upgrading the domain configuration in separate installation.
- A.I.: Jane will follow-up with Mark/Shreedhar to understand what is supported in inplace upgrade. Kedar forwarded an e-mail to the as-admin-iteam alias and looks like Nga and Rebecca will work together to iron out the confusion. Nga will write up a summary e-mail.
Unit Test Framework - Deepa
- Deepa presented a QA Unit Test Framework to be used in V3. Slides attached.
- This framework will replace the V2 QL test.
- If there are any further questions, please e-mail Deepa.
Cutomer Interactions
- Rajeshwar gave a summary of interaction with a GlassFish user in financial sector:
- resource namespace - cannot move development to production without changing configuration.
- interested in role based admin feature
- interested in knowing about provisioning - N1SPS
- concerned about DAS as a single point of failure - cannot administrator if DAS is down.