Meeting Minutes for March 03, 2008
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Attendees Byron, Jane, Jennifer, Paul, Rajeshwar, Shankar, Siraj, Sreeni Discussion Summary Review of Action Items No existing AIs were reviewed this week. New AI on all: After TP2, ensure that all v2 CLI functionality is migrated to v3. Update by QA, Documentation, and Development Teams QA: Working on Sailfin and 9.1.1. Will test v3 commands as the commands become available in the builds. For TP2, testing will be manual and will cover only options that will be supported at TP2. Dev: Have created issues for all PCD items and dependencies. The runtime management portion is complete and is being integrated. Hope to have a working framework by end of this week. Proposal for module distribution system will be available by end of this week. The new version of the launcher will be available by the end of this week. The start database command is under development. It will be checked in only when it works as a remote command. This change requires CCC approval, as it is incompatible with earlier releases. Docs: Planning and user task gathering are in progress. Work on writing the TP2 drafts will start soon, probably this week. Customer Interaction, Arch. Update Tech Days and Hyderabad was a success. Much interest was shown in clustering. Open Mic. Shankar:
- A community member has asked about how to modify monitoring MBeans. Sreeni and others will help.
- Query: should pluggability and extensibility of App Server be tested as separate item?
Sreeni: Aim is to make enable OEMs to customize the App Server through plugins, skins, look and feel. The extensibility will be exposed through the CLI. Rajeshwar: Two aspects require testing: the framework and the modules that are to be plugged into the framework.