Meeting minute for April,5 2007


Anissa, Ken, Swarna, Sujatha, Rajeev, Li, Priti, Senthil

Agenda for 4/5

  • Status and issues relating to Doc.
  • Status and issues from QE
  • Selenium Testing update
  • Email alias discussion
  • UIRB update


Checkin done in the Beta2 branch
JBI screens for developer profile is done also
2 screen not coming up, fix will be in JSF files, would like to get into the Beta2 branch
lifecycle management rule in cluster profile
Anissa will send info to Rajeev regarding the chart button


promoted build41 testing complete
starting 41a on different platform, also start testing on Mac
Netscape latest 8.1.3 on XP (home version), breadcrumb cannot display.
Sujatha didn't find any issue.

Selenium Testing update

Priti is trying to get the upload working, can login, upload, deleting and operating it.
There is also a test that click through all the tree node and ensure that there is a page associate with every node.
will have a pretty good covering of the basic test.
Priti already integrated a file and can run ant on that file.
The above are all checkin to cvs.
Focus on all basic function together, to do all test at once.
Swarna focus on the framework, run through ant, contains all the test case.

Anissa will send the zip file from Andre to the team.
There is a README file
on XP tested with IE. On Solaris, can run Firefox.

Email alias:

Will move to
The following internal alias will be removed soon


Ken/Anissa will send out instruction on how to subscribe to the admin@glassfish alias.
Everyone will confirm they have joined the glassfish alias in next iteam meeting, 4/12., and all the internal alias will be removed after 4/12.

Issue relating to callflow

Currently, callflow stores all the request to the database, including those from GUI, and depends on GUI to filter out those request before displaying to the user. CallFlow itself should filter out any request coming from admin port: 4848. This will defintely improve performance and won't cause the database to grow without user aware of it.

UIRB update

Anissa will send info to Jim Berney to inform him the charting feature which was added since last UIRB review.

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