GlassFish Admin Team Meeting Minutes


Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Prashant, Jennifer, Byron, Kedar, Dixie, Hannan, Paul

Discussion Summary:

  • Sreeni presented the current status of one pagers and requested docs/qa to review and provide feedback.
  • Kedar/Lloyd will update the one pager link to CLI proposals so that it points to the final spec.
  • Docs and QA can start reviewing the one pagers on CLI, Monitoring, Extensibility and gmbal and start providing feedback.
  • Lloyd mentioned that clustering is one of the key features for Java One release and design work is being started.
  • Kedar provided info. on what is important for Java One release including an equivalent of asadmin multimode shell, CLI secure admin communication, config validation changes, spec version for the contents of application server bundles, asadmin binding of scripting languages jruby/groovy. Need support for create-domain pluggability and we need to start designing for this.