Attendees Paul, Nachi, Jerome, Dixie, Prashanth, Sankar, Siraj, Nandini, Byron, Kedar, Jennifer Minutes
- Monitoring one pager - documenting how modules will make itself monitorable; complete by next week, dependency on config pluggability
- New command - restart-domain; start-domain has new option watchdog, true by default; system exit 10
- Admin infrastructure - Nandini to add details about config pluggability
- REST - implementation to use Jersey; requirement for cloud initiative
- CLI infrastructure change in parsing of command line; scale back of features, like the shell
- connector command almost complete - postive test case should work - negative test cases won't work
- Using gmbal annotations to expose monitoring attributes through JMX
- Transaction commands completed last week, Nachi working on thread-pool commands this week
- Siraj merging/moving embedded code to trunk
Action Items
- Which module should thread-pool commands go under? - Kedar
- Everyone – If you are doing something for MS-2 update