GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes 06dec2006 Present: Judy, Sreeni, Sankar, Byron, Jane, Jennifer, Paul, Rajeshwar Discussion Summary:
- Sankar requested the test plan feedback on profiles. Kedar to provide the same by 11dec06.
- Judy provided an update on the testing of 8.2ee b22, SDK Update2, and 9.1.
- Paul informed that he is the lead for admin documentation and in case of doubt he can be contatcted first.
- Concept Man Pages - Paul, Hanan and Jane will discuss during early next week.
- Sreeni informed Paul about the need for including documentation on resource templates and to upadte EE samples documentation. Sreeni will send details to Paul.
- Development team provided status on 9.1 features and bugs.
thanks sreeni