GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes 06sep2006 Present: Nga, Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Kazem, Hanan, Sankar, Judy, Jane Discussion Summary:
- We have 2 bugs for 8.2 and it is Ok to fix them since these are show-stoppers.
- Members will review and provide initial feedback on admin docs by the end of this week, 08sep06 Friday.
<a href="">8.2 documentation
(Inside Sun Intranet Only)
</a> <p> <a href="http://swpubs.sfbay/writing/appserver/as9/plans/adminplan.html#assignments">are you expected to review ?
(Inside Sun Intranet Only)
- Judy mentioned that QA will start testing 8.2 build 17, 9.0UR1, SDK, 9.1 and admin documentation for 8.2
- Hanan informed that Java Persistence doccument is being worked on for 9.0ur1 and mile-stone-1 deliverables for 9.1
- Jane presented CLI one pager for 9.1 and explained the features.
- Jane also presented the feedback received on CLI options. The iTeam made some suggestio0ns which have been noted by Jane for future consideration.
- The team is requested to review the admin one pager for 9.1 and come prepared to discuss at next meeting.
<a href="">Admin Infrastructure One Pager</a> <a href="">CLI One Pager</a> thanks sreeni