GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes 07feb2007 To listen to a digital recording of this call, dial 877.471.6587 or 402.970.2667 and enter program ID 1103447182011. This program will be available from 02/07/07 at 12:00 AM CT to 03/09/07 at 11:59 PM CT. Present: Jane, Nga, Prashanth, Sreeni, Kedar, Byron, Sankar, Judy, Paul, Satish Discussion Summary:
- Sreeni reviewed the S1 bugs which need to be evaluated before 08feb07 and the members confirmed that it can be done by the scheduled date.
- Paul informed that the review drafts are hosted on internal wiki. For review, Paul will send email to as-tech alias.
- Paul will come up with a list of reviewers by topic both from engineering and QA to facilitate the review of 9.1 FCS documentation.
- Considering the number, some of the members started scrubbing P3 bugs.
- Kedar briefed the team on arch. meeting discussions about v3 dependency graph, grizzly connector, and modularization work.
thanks sreeni