Meeting Minutes for January 07, 2008

Jspwiki style: center

Attendees: Jane, Sreeni, Paul, Rajeshwar, Prashant, Harry, Siraj

Discussion Summary

  • Paul mentioned that the V3 documentation work is in progress and he'll publish a blog when ready for community review.
  • Jane informed that the CLI infrastructure work for V3 is in progress. Completed the implementation of start-domain and working on upload (using Grizzly http-connector)to enable deployment commands.
  • Rajeshwar has added 2 more components (social s/w and wood stock) to the update center and working on registration campaign.
  • Sreeni is working on Runtime infrastructure for run-time management and to enable pluggability.
  • Sreeni made a presentation on Extension Point Design Pattern, knowledge of which will be helpful for V3. At the next opporunity, he'll present example using this design pattern.