GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes


To listen to a digital recording of this call, dial 877.471.6587 or 402.970.2667 and enter program ID 1103447182005. This program will be available from 11/08/06 at 12:00 AM CT to 12/08/06 at 11:59 PM CT

Byron, Nandini, Kedar, Jennifer, Jane, Sreeni, Prashant, Rajeshwar, Sridatta, Davis, Kazem

Discussion Summary:

  • Development team will review and provide feedback on <a href="">9.1 test plan</a> for the features for which no feedback was provided earlier. This will enable QA start working on regression testing.
    • Byron to provide feedback/missing test cases on Process Launcher and Startup/Shutdown.
    • Kedar to provide feedback/missing test cases on profiles.
  • Kedar reviewied his presentation on Single Binary and led the subsequent discussion on profiles.
  • Byron provided an update on the launcher work and the associated benefits including ease of debugging and the ability to relocate domain.
  • Thanks to Sridatta for his discussion on 9.1, specific to installers, version and upgrade. Sridatta provided the reasoning for having multiple installers, explained how the version works and provided upgrade scenrios and answered team's questions.
