Attendees: Peter, Johan, Sreeram, Srikanth, Kedar and Binod.

  • We went thru the saf document in sailfin. High level requirements section was reviewed.
  • For item 1, Ericsson need to do all the work. Whether it will be part of Sailfin or will it be
    part of internal ericsson product on top of sailfin is not yet decided. Peter will follow up.
  • For item 2, we decided that we will start supporting the startserv script. There was a
    discussion around whether nodeagent process is required or not. We found that it need to
    be running even though it wont be used very much.
  • For item 4, given that instances can be started by startserv script, it may not be necessary to
    load JAA-AMF code in node-agent. Peter will followup.
  • For item 6 and 7, Sun has some work to do. Kedar is planning to do a detailed estimation.
  • Item 8 is an easy task for Sun.
  • For item 9, given the event is sent to the instances even if enabled=false is used during the
    deployment, it would be possible to implement a way to create JSR 77 mbean. Kedar to
    follow up with hong and put an estimation.
  • For item 10, there are additional hooks need to be supplied by Sun to allow AMF to load
    the resources that belong to standalone RARs and XA recovery. Also, there is a question
    about when exactly the webmodules in the application get loaded. Will it happen as part
    of start of the JSR 77 mbean of the application? If that is the case, can it create any problem
    as it changes the normal loading sequence of the appserver. Binod to follow up with
    webcontainer team.