Administration I-Team Meeting Minutes 9 February, 2009 Attendees Byron, Dixie, Jennifer, Kedar, Paul, Prashanth, Sankar, Sreeni, Agenda Review of action items:
- Kedar/Lloyd will update the one pager link to CLI proposals so that it points to the final spec.
Done Link to Lloyd's proposal removed.
- Docs and QA can start reviewing the one pagers on CLI, Monitoring, Extensibility and gmbal and start providing feedback.
In progress Note - a spec for Admin Infrastructure is required.
Discussion of version 0.55 of CLI spec Kedar will schedule a community review and ASARC review for next week. Kedar expects to be able to implement the changes in time for the next release. A lot of new features are proposed in this spec, for example:
- An asadmin shell
- Separation of asadmin options and subcommand options (with deprecation of existing syntax for existing commands)
- Ruby bindings
- Web mode of operation
- Command aliasing
- A preferences file
To be determined: introduction of other exit codes (possible but unlikely) Do make time to review the spec. Kedar will individually contact stakeholders in engineering and other teams before the community review and ASARC reviews. For now, send feedback through the admin alias. Final confirmation to be provided. Update by QA, Documentation and Development Teams
- QA:* Reviewing CLI and Monitoring specs, working on the test specs.
- Documentation:* No updates this week - busy with other projects.
- Development:* Sreeni and Prashanth are working on a client script for monitoring. Sreeni is also evaluating whether the version of Java DB that is to be supplied with the JDK can be used. Extensibility spec under review. Upgrade spec is being reviewed.
Customer Interaction, Arch. update if any No updates this week. Open Mic. asadmin webinar on Thursday 12 Feb at 11 AM. Slides to be hosted on