GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes 09aug2006 Attendees: Kedar, Byron, Sreeni, Sankar, Rajeshwar, Siraj, Jane
- Accomodating IEC Docs in Iteam : We favor weekly IEC meetings similar to or rolled up into the Asarch meeting.
- New admin features : Kedar has sent out the link to alias. Please review and comment.
- Admin One Pager to be sent to item and admin@glassfish alias
- JMS startup clarification in one pager - request by Kazem
- New Wiki contributions at heads up given to team
- Experiment with back-restore as a upgrade tool : team recommendation is to try in-place overwriting of bits with newer build bits with the disclaimer that any backward incompatible changes in the bits itself would break domain startup (example: GlassFishConfigureListener in jsf-impl.jar in b48 but removed in ur1 b05).
regards Shreedhar