Meeting Minutes for December 10, 2007
Jspwiki style: center
Attendees: Jane, Tim, Shiraj, Rajeshwar, Sankar, Paul, Lloyd Review of Action Items
- Sailfin vs. 9.1.1 answered by Shreedhar:
- They have the same release dates. 9.1.1 is the Sun Java System Application Server release. It corresponding GF release is v2.1. Sailfin is a Telco oriented sip protocol supported application server. The Sun branded one is called Sun Java System Communications Application Server.
- Srikanth is the engineering manager for both the GF and Sailfin releases. Prasad is the tech lead for Sailfin. Mark was up until now the GF v2.1 tech lead. He is transitioning this to another person shortly.
Updates QA - Sankar
- UR1 is finished, build 9B is the final
- V3 not much happening yet
- 12/17 deadline for certifying Sailfin milestone 3
- Finished sysnet and all the other little distractions. Ready for V3 work.
- Working on appclient support in V3
- Working on a server-side asadmin for V3
- Tip: you can use a stripped-down asadmin with the current v3.
- use .../bin/asadmin list-commands to see the available commands
- V3 Runtime Management
- jmaki and update center
- Working on a strategy for V3 Documentation
- Not a massive rewrite
- Add missing stuff
- Reorganize and try to make more task-oriented
New Business Idea: Make meetings like this more visible/easier to find on the website. We have never had a non-Sun employee attend. MT
- Byron discussed Double Checked Lock Idiom as a way of learning the basics of concurrency
- Lloyd, our resident concurrency guru, clarified a few points such as cpu write-through
- Byron pointed out that reading the JDK source for concurrency class is an excellent way to learn advanced concurrency
- com.misc.Unsafe --> worth looking into