GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes 10jan2007 To listen to a digital recording of this call, dial 877.471.6587 or 402.970.2667 and enter program ID 1103447182007. This program will be available from 01/10/07 at 12:00 AM CT to 02/09/07 at 11:59 PM CT Thank You Present: Nga, Satish, Judy, Paul, Byron, Kedar, Jane, Sankar, Nandini, Prashanth, Sreeni Discussion Summary:
- Kedar confirmed that the profiles spec. has been updated and provided feedback on the test plan. Sankar started testing profiles and filing bugs.
- Paul informed that he'll be organizing a high level doc. plan meeting for 9.1 on Friday, 12 Jan'07 which will be confirmed soon. The admin iTeam members are encouraged to participate and provide feedback.
- Reg. man pages and resource templates, Paul will followup and let the iTeam know about the status.
- For profiles, Kedar suggested to have a separate meeting on Tue/Wed. Paul will send the details.
- Sreeni/Kedar to check with Sridatta about the docs. schedule and let Paul know about it. This will help in over all planning of docs for 9.1.
- Paul would find out and let the iTeam know about the location of documents which will be used for review and providing feedback.
- Judy requested that the regression bugs be given prioroty and the team agreed to the same.
- Kedar mentioned about the work being done for single port 4848 who'll send out the details once it is finalized.
- 9.1 P1/P2 bugs have been reviewed which members felt can be fixed in time.
thanks sreeni