Meeting Minutes for February 11, 2008
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Attendees: Byron, Peter, Sreeni, Paul, Jane, Jennifer, Prashanth, Siraj Discussion Summary
- Review of AI from the last meeting
- AI: Jane to cross link General V3 CLI commands page and TP2 CLI commands page. DONE
- Documentation team working on doc plans for V3/TP2. The bulk of the work involves what to remove from 9.1 Doc to fit the limited functionality of TP2
- Development Update: We mainly discussed tips and tricks for working with the fancy new architecture. E.g.:
- Peter had a NB tip. When you open the main pom file as a project, do NOT check the option for automatically opening the gazillion sub projects. Then you can pick and choose the sub projects of interest without making a big mess of the NB projects tree.
- Jane & Peter pointed out that Maven2 will automatically run unit tests for you. You just need to create JUnit source files under /main/tests
- mvn gf:run turns out to be quite handy.
- V3 Startup Presentation
- Byron gave a presentation on the grisly details of how V3 currently gets launched.