GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes


To listen to a digital recording of this call, dial 877.471.6587 or 402.970.2667 and enter program ID 1103447182001. This program will be available from 10/11/06 at 12:00 AM CT to 11/10/06 at 11:59 PM CT

Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Prashant, Jane, Byron, Judy

Discussion Summary:

  • Development team will review and provide feedback on 9.1 test plan for the features for which no feedback was provided earlier.
  • To ensure proper communication with IEC's doc. team, we started recording the conference with this meeting and the info is given at the beginning of these minutes.
  • To verify and make sure that the test cases exist for bug# 65177240 (Sandra's email enquiring the correct behavior), Judy will coordinate with Shankar.
  • Thanks to Byron for his presentation on launcher enhancements and explaining it in detail.
