Attendees: Paul, Byron, Jennifer, Dixie, Hanan, Sankar, Lloyd, Rajeshwar, Kedar, Sreeni Action Items
- Developers get functional specs in 'Ready for Review' status and send out to forum for review
- Docs and QA review functional specs when they are 'Ready for Review' or 'Under Review'.
- Kedar/Lloyd will update the one pager link to CLI proposals so that it points to the final spec.
One Pagers (Functional Specs)
- Monitoring is almost 'Ready for Review'. Sreeni said it will have minor updates to the scripting section and be 'Ready for Review' by next Monday.
- Extensibility is almost 'Ready for Review'. Sreeni said it will have minor updates and 'Ready for Review' by next Monday.
- gmbal is an external project, like add-ons, that Ken Cavanaugh is working on. Lloyd thinks it is almost 'Ready for Review'.
- CLI is not ready yet. Kedar is working on 2 One Pagers for AS Arch Review to be done by 1st week in Feb.
- Infrastructure (Config, Administration)
- Need to have a discussion on REST to see what needs to be done for v3
- Sankar is wrapping up testing for SNMP monitoring. Afterward will be reviewing functional specs.
- Docs will review the One Pagers when in 'Ready for Review' state. They may also review the ones mentioned above that are almost ready. Paul also mentioned they can review v2 docs until v3 One Pagers are 'Ready for Review'.
SNMP, Embedded Development
- Release date of SNMP monitoring is Jan 30 - Rajeshwar
- Embedded will have a new schedule. Probably release in Feb - Jennifer
- Resolving issues with running SQE tests - Byron
Achitecture Updates