Meeting minute for April,12 2007


Anissa, Ken, Mark, Mike, Scott, Senthil, Li, Priti

Agenda for 4/12

  • Status and issues relating to Doc.
  • Status and issues from QE
  • Selenium Testing update
  • Email alias
  • Developer issues
    • Naming convention for Handlers and session attributes


From Rajeev: there have been no updates to Online Help after the
Beta 2 HCF. For the next two weeks, we will be mostly working on the
rest of the unbundled docs for Beta 2. The Online Help pages that we
might update for cluster profile screens will be checked into the trunk
Scott is going to work on the inline help, will be for Trunk
Li has done some min. testing on OLH, there are some pages without help.
Mike has tested all the OLH for JBI developer profile. The cluster profile OLH still needs improvement.


Finished testing Beta41a. Will continue with b41b whenever its promoted.
There is concern regarding charting
on solaris 10 which only has Mozilla browser, but charting is not coming up on Mozilla.
Breadcrumb not coming up on Netscape 8.1.3


Priti has made progress, find issue with Selenium server depending on browser, may need to use different jar for different browser. Team agreed that this is acceptable. Will work on more developer profile test case.
Priti concetrate on JBI cases, hope that Andre will work on the non-JBI case.
Mike asked when will TestNG replacing JUnit test.
Priti will look into usinge TestNG.


confirm that everyone is already in the admin@glassfish alias, will remove the internal one next Monday.

Developer issue:

Mike is going to file a couple bugs which he already has fixes. Looking into a problem where pressing the button just refresh the page , the command handler never get called. This is a cluster profile use case. Ken will help on debugging.
JBI P2 bugs: 6539671 and 6542345 has been fixed in Beta branch and Trunk. Mark is going to close these bugs.
Mike is going to downgrade the P2 bugs not intended for Beta2 to P3.

Senthil will transfer the management rule timer bug to backend.

Ken will put in the check for name colision, Warning will be put out at build time. This will be changed to Error and stop the build at a later day, giving the team a chance to clean up the code first.

The team still see previous selected tree node highlighted after logging out/in or even after server restart.

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