Administration I-Team Meeting Minutes 13 April, 2009


Byron, Jennifer, Nachi, Paul, Rajesahwar, Sankar, Siraj, Sreeni,


Review of Action Items

    • Kedar:* Determine the module to which thread-pool commands belong.
      Complete: These commands belong in the core/kernel module.
    • All:* If you are doing something for Milestone 2, update the Milestone 2 task list.

Status of One-Pagers

    • Monitoring:* TOI to module owners, with feedback to be incorporated. For the JavaOne EA release, module owners are asked to implement probes for Dtrace. Only probes are to be exposed now. Statistics will be exposed later. After the 1-pager is complete, it will be submitted for community review and asarch review.
    • Extensibility:* No changes for MS2.
    • HTTP for Administration:* Might be not implemented for MS2.
    • Administration CLI:* Asarch review scheduled today. restart-domain will be in the MS2 release.

Update by QA, Documentation, and Development Teams

    • QA Status:* Sankar is updating the CLI test suites to match the MS 2 build.
    • Docs:* Paul is working on the Administration CLI documentation plan.
    • Dev status:*
    • Most of Kedar's MS-2 are deliverables done.
    • CLI rework is happening on a separate branch. Finalizing the protocol stuff soon. This work will entail doing command line parser, compatible handling of meta-option and command-option separation etc.
    • Validation of connector commands was being added, but was removed because some required APIs are not available.
    • add-resources is required for compatibility testing.
    • Sreeni has ported the Java EE 5 samples infrastructure to Java EE 6.
    • Lloyd is implementing on JSR 77 (runtime management).

Customer Interaction, Arch. Update if Any

Because JDK version 6 includes JavaDB, JavaDB will no longer be bundled with the GlassFish software. However, because JavaDB is not distributed with the JDK for MacOS, a special distribution for MacOS to include Java DB will also be created.

Open Mic.

Milestone 2 code freeze is very close (April 20). To ensure that this milestone is met, raise issues in email - don't wait for the next meeting.