Attendees: Paul, Judy, Shankar, Byron, Jane, Prashanth, Kedar, Nandini, Sreeni and Rajeshwar.

QA update from Judy.
QA started testing preview beta3. QA will continue this for coming 3-4 weeks.
QA needs to test two new features that are going in beta 3:
Force stop option.
Upgrade seamlessly from developer profile to cluster profile. This feature will be available in the trunk for testing in a week or so.

Paul presented the first draft of documentation review wiki pages.
Based on feedback Paul is going to rehaul, restructure documentation home page and
documentation wiki page to simplify and remove redundancy.

Nandini talk about the new force option feature(Bug Id 6471967). Why we need this, the use case and how it is implemented. kill option provided for stop-instance, stop-nodeagent and stop-domain. kill option not yet provided for stop-cluster. RFE requires kill option for stop-cluster.

Sankar testing builds 45/46. He raised the issue of cluster failing intermittently because of
logging related deadlock issue(Bud Id: 6553120). Many test fails on this. No update on the bug.
Need to follow up.