Oct 15 2007 Admin iTeam meeting minutes.
Jspwiki style: center
Attendees in no particular order: Sankar, Jane, Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Paul, Kedar, Prashanth, Byron QA Update
- Sankar working on the Admin CLI test development for SailFin project
- Kill Option "-1" inside pid file for Mac on Intel.
- Mac on Intel: can not install – password. Probable cause: installer not getting the native code installed correctly
- Access Mgr Config -> NPE on domain start
Engineering update Rajeshwar working on update center 1 "bug" – actually a new feature
- AI: New CLI commands for JBI. JBI Volk need to coordinate with Paul for Doc._
- JBI people have their own personal QA staff to test the new CLI commands
- These commands will go into the Sailfin branch
- AI: Which Mac versions do we support – Intel and/or PowerPC?
Doc Update A few bugfixes Bugs, Bugs, Get your Red Hot Bugs Here! The rest of the time was spent discussing the open bugs and whether or not to include them in UR1