1. create/update/list/delete-password-password alias is not going to be in the prelude release 2. change-admin-password command will be checked into the build today by Nandini 3. change-master-password command is not yet in the build, not sure who is responsible for the command 4. Kedar clarified Paul about the man page check in 5. Paul informed that 1 week after he gets required information from engineering the man page will be ready for testing. Paul will let us know. List of Admin Infrastructure features available in prelude 411-1 - Configuration validation. - Available in prelude 411-4 - Provide a new attribute named version on the root element of the domain.xml. User invisible -Available in prelude 411-5 - Incorporate new Grizzly configuration - Not available for prelude. 411-6 - Minify the domain.xml - backend feature nothing to test in end user perspective - Nothing to test here. 411-7 - Provide remaining dynamic reconfiguration support. - Test whether Admin Console indicates the server needs to be restarted when a reconfigure operation is supposed to happen but didn't happen. 411-8 - Provide admin traffic on a separate port called admin-port, which is 4848 by default (just like GlassFish V1, V2). - Ensure that admin operations are available only on admin-port by default.- Also test when the admin listener and admin virtual is deleted port 8080 serves the admin operation 411-9 - Document configuration pluggability. - Hand edit the domain.xml for new pluggable modules. Disapproved by Abhijit 411-11 - Specify the complete domain.xml persistence policy. - domain.xml backup. Available for testing in Prelude 412-1 - Enhance the behavior of asadmin start-domain --verbose to provide domain restart capability. - domain restart from cli/gui - Not available for prelude. 413-1 - Implement the commands listed here. , AdminCLI test development 413-2 - Implement functionality in CLI to communicate with the secure admin server. It should also be possible for asadmin to accept/reject server incase if it is not trusted. Not available for prelude. 413-3 - Provide ANT tasks as an interface (asant). check admin operations via asant interface - Not available for prelude. 413-4 - Document the general syntax of asadmin commands. - man page verification - Non boolean options should not work when the syntax is option=value , the valid syntax should be option value 413-5 - Document asadmin client-server protocol - verify documentation 414-1 - Implement anonymous login correctly. - Test anonymous login functionality 415-1 - Decide and document what MBeanServer is going to be used. - check documentation 415-2 - Start the JMX Connector by default to be able to connect to it via JConsole, out of the box (to be compatible with V2). - test the connectivity to the JMX server (with fixing of bug in TransientContext) 416-2 - Integrate update center admin console package with download functionality. |