GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes


To listen to a digital recording of this call, dial 877.471.6587 or 402.970.2667 and enter program ID 1103447182002. This program will be available from 10/18/06 at 12:00 AM CT to 11/17/06 at 11:59 PM CT.

Sreeni, Jane, Byron, Judy(sent email with status)

Discussion Summary:

  • Development team will review and provide feedback on 9.1 test plan for the features for which no feedback was provided earlier. The areas are Domain Configuration Management, Moving installation, Process Launcher and Profiles.
  • Rajeshwar to review and provide feedback on 1st chapter of admin guide to Vipin.
  • Vipin to include the admin guide feedback provided by Jane and Sreeni.
  • Jane will discuss cli monitoring commands at the next iTeam.
  • Byron suggested that jdk and Netbeans enhancements be discussed periodically and he volunteered to discuss some features at the next iTeam.
  • Sreeni mentioned that some of the forum questions can also be reviewed at iTeam.
  • Byron mentioned that apart from regular QA testing it may be good to do some adhoc testing with the purpose of breaking the code, for ex. usage of special characters whenever the input is expected.
