The following features are expected
- Support for list-timers command in a cluster
- Support for migrate-timers command in a cluster
Feature decription This feature adds support for listing and manually migrating EJB Timers in a clustered environment. The tests use derby network database server and jdbc/_default as timer service datasource. Before running the test, need to make sure table EJB_TIMER_TBL is either empty or does not exist. To check it in ij: select OWNERID from EJB_TIMER_TBL; To delete all rows: delete from EJB_TIMER_TBL; Doc Impact: For migrate-timers command, --destination option in v2 is now changed to --target in 3.1. Other aspects of documents for list-timers and migrate-timers remain the same as in v2. Test Description Test execution
- cd v2/appserv-tests/
- svn update
- cd devtests/ejb/ee/timer/cli
- ant all
What does the test do
- build
- compiles and build a test ejb-jar located in appserv-tests/build/module/archive/ee-timer-create.jar. It contains 2 singleton beans: StartupSingletonBean and CreateTimersBean. Deploying this ejb-jar is done in test class as part of runTest() method, not in build.xml. After deployment, StartupSingletonBean's post-construct method invokes CreateTimersBean to create a programatic timer. After running test, this ejb-jar is also undeployed as part of runTest() method, and all associated timers will be deleted by the container.
- setup
- start derby database
- start domain
- set timer-datasource=jdbc/__default in default-config
- set up a cluster (named cluster) with 2 instances (in1 and in2), and a standalone instance (in3). These names are configured in ./
- create-resource-ref in cluster1 and in3, to be used by timer service
- run
- list-timers: execute tests contained in timer/cli/src/eetimer/
- deploy test ejb-jar to cluster1
- listTimersCluster: run list-timer --target cluster1, expecting in1 has 1 timer and in2 has 1 timer.
- listTimers: run list-timer without no target, so default target DAS is used, expecting 0 timer is returned since the test ejb-jar is not loaded in DAS.
- listTimersInstance3Empty: run list-timer --target in3, expecting 0 timers in in3.
- undeploy test ejb-jar from cluster1
- deploy test ejb-jar to in3
- listTimersInstance3: run list-timer --target in3, expecting 1 timer in in3
- undeploy test ejb-jar from in3
- migrate-timers:
- calls -disable-gms target to disable gms. When gms is disabled in a cluster, automatic timer migration does not kick in when stopping a clustered instance, so we can test the (manual) migrate-timers command.
- execute tests contained in timer/cli/src/eetimer/
- deploy test ejb-jar to cluster1
- migrateTimers: stop in1 and migrate in1's timer. No target is specified, defaults to DAS, the container will pick a running instance from the same cluster, and it should be in2. Expected result is 0 timers in in1 and 2 timers in in2
- migrateTimersWithTarget: stop in2 and start in1, migrate timers from in2 to in1. Expected result is 0 timers in in2 and 3 timers in in1. When in1 starts, another timer is also created, and that's why there are now 3 timers.
- migrateTimersOutsideCluster: a negative test to make sure timers cannot be migrated across cluster.
- undeploy the test ejb-jar
- unsetup
- unsetup-cluster (stop and delete the cluster)
- stop-database
- stopDomain
Executing test is separate steps
- ant build
- ant setup
- ant run
- ant unsetup
Unit Testing |
Completed? (Y/N) |
Comments |
Unit tests automated and 100% complete (for this milestone) |
Y |
The test is not executed on a regular basis |
Have unit tests been run against a promoted build? |
Y |
Are the total Unit Tests (UT's) 90% passing? |
Y |
All junit test pass (as part of the build). |
Were known open defects listed and discussed at the meeting? |
N |
Design Specifications |
Completed |
Do Functional one pagers accurately reflect functionality to be released? |
Y |
Have they been shared with QA and Doc PoCs 3 days prior to Demo? |
Y |
Are there requirements documented outside Design Spec in BugDB or another system of record? |
N |
Demonstration Environment |
Completed |
Comments |
Was demonstration conducted on an unpatched build? |
N |
Not yet |
If No, please list justification and mitigation strategy |
- |
DHQA Discussion/Topics |
Completed? (Y/N) |
Comments |
Meeting topics were: |
- |
List attendees: |
- |
QA Acceptance |
Y/N |
(QA Rep) |
Doc. Acceptance |
Y/N |
(Doc Rep) |