GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes


Kazem, Jane, Sreeni, Byron, Prashant, Judy, Sankar, Nandini, Abhijit, June

Discussion Summary:

  • Reviewed 9.1 bugs and members confirmed that we are OK for milestone-2
  • QA has reviewed Admin one pagers and will be ready with test plan by 26sep06
  • Members discussed the one pager on Profiles and discussed various strategies for documentation. June suggested to have 2 sets of documentation, one for community GlassFish and the other for Product version.
  • The documentation for defining virtual servers is not adequate which needs to be examined by the docs. team and come back with suggestions for improvement.
  • Team reviewed Harsha's blog on command completion for asadmin in bash environment. For multi-mode, Abhijit suggested to look at Web Server for tcl like implememtaion in java.
  • Sreeni asked the team members to review Kedar's documentation on Admin Credentials and provide feedback/comments if any.
