Admin iTeam Meeting Minutes Monday 4/28/2008 10:00 AM

Sreeni, Siraj, Rajeshwar, Paul, Jennifer, Nandini, Dixie and Anissa

Reviewed open TP2 bugs.<br>
Discussed JavaOne activities/responsibilities.<br>

Docs update:<br>
-Paul: Signed up for blog : GlassFish V3 TP2. Paul suggested to follow up with Scott Fordin for a screen cast: Quick start quide for V3. <br>
-Dixie: Requested to send her reviews on Administration Guide by end of today. Except the incorporation of reviews, if any for Administartion Guide, all the other developer docs(Quick Start, Man Pages, Screencasts etc) are good and on track for TP2. Developer docs are higher priority compared to Administration Guide for TP2.<br>

Developer update:<br>

  • Sreeni:Worked on post card for JavaOne to high V2 enterprise features and V3 innovation features. Was looking at lazy initialization of mbeans. Helping with IPS repository work to host TP2 packages to UC 2.0 repository. Helping with issues-internal ports, smf and load balancing.<br>
  • Jennifer: Wrote additional unit tests. Coordinating/Responsible for content that goes on JavaOne give-away memory sticks. Coordinating with portal team. Started looking into monitoring alerts mechanism.<br>
  • Siraj: Worked on SDK tasks. Investigating the use cases where DAS ceases to scale. Identifying the code paths/modules that are bottle neck in current code.<br>
  • Anissa: Bought up JavaOne logistics. Signed up to do two screen casts- 1) V3 Admin UI and 2) V3 CLI (will seek Jeniffer help on this).<br>
  • Nandini: Working with Siraj to identify/localize scalability issues.<br>
  • Rajeshwar: Busy with JavaOne activities. Running the internal campaign for blogs and screen casts. Designed GlassFish Coordinates card for JavaOne. Created RSS 2.0 feed to UC 1.0 repository. Working on Atom 1.0 feed.<br>

QE updates:<br>

  • Sankar: QE tested 10A build. Filed couple p2 bugs. These are waived for TP2. No negative testing(P3) for TP2. Raised concerned about issue 4928. All remote commands fail if username/password values(not the default, anonymous) are not provided explicitly through options. If provided through enviroment settings, username/password values are not propagated to DAS. wheare as, this is not the case with local command, create-domain. Siraj is going to look into this and propose the way we should handle this.

-Siraj: Look into issue 4928 and suggest the appropriate approach we resolve this.
-Rajeshwar: To follow up with Scott Fordin for Quick Start Guide screen cast.
-Rajeshwar: Send out email to request Administration Guide reviews.