GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes 21feb2008 Present: Jennifer, Jane, Prashanth, Paul, Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Byron, Sankar, Siraj Discussion Summary:
- Paul - Looking at the features in V3 in terms of whats there, what it will need w.r.t docs and working on the technical writeup for TP2, will be ready for review by end of March
- Concern about the CLI commands using the default port of communication as 8080 as against 4848. Prashanth to follow up with Kedar to get some clarity on this (AI for Prashanth)
- Sankar - Looking at M2 build. Tested 13 commands for TP2. Concern about the usability about the commands, like the usage text is not being printed. There seems to be an issue opened already. Asked for the date when all the supported commands will be delivered, Sreeni mentioned different phases of TP2 and pointed that the CLI commands are delivered by various teams as per the schedule noted on the respective pages.
- Paul - Raised the point on how to plug commands help dynamically because of the modular behavior of V3. Gave some ideas, but this needs to be tabled for discussion with interested parties. I will setup a meeting on this (AI for prashanth)
- Jennifer - working on start/stop-database, commands working as local, but in engineering meeting, we decided for it to be remote command. Jennifer confirmed this with Kedar and she will be making them remote commands. For TP2, the assumption would be to start the DB installed on DAS machine.
- Sreeni - Checked in the stub for ping-connection-pool. Jagadish will plug in the backend implementation when he's ready. Runtime infrastrucutre made progress, should be ready by month end.
- Rajeshwar - TP2 commands, http-listener/virtual-server are checked in. Checked in 2 fixes for Update center
- Byron - Mentioned stop-domain works like a hybrid (local and remote), there will --force option to kill forcibly
- Siraj - Working on create-domain command. seen issues with classpath of asadmin.bat. He will work with Jerome as we decided to have a very minimum footprint of the asadmin client.
- Prashanth - Checked in the commands for create/delete-profiler. Will be working on add-resources. Working on the requirements for monitoring in V3.
- Discussion on open items -
- Authentication/validation - Jennifer/Sreeni will work with kedar offline.
- Output message - Sankar is OK to be different in V3, will fix the existing tests to accomodate the change
- unit tests - CLI Framework unit tests of V2 will be ported to V3 by Jane (AI). Unit test framework is already in place. We need to implement the unit tests for all the commands that were already checked in, look at the deployment/test for example.
- Sankar raised that the usability part is an issue for V3 for now, hoping it will improve.