Admin iTeam Meeting Minutes Monday 09/22/2008 10:00 AM

Paul, Jennifer, Nandini, Dixie, Byron, Jane, Prashanth, Sreeni, Shankar, Siraj and Rajeshwar


  • Sreeni/Prashant: Send monitoring sample to demonstrate pluggability to Sankar.
  • Paul: Send out an email(wiki location) to admin alias with locations of checked-in man pages for different modules.
  • Team: Make sure help is available for their respective commands. Fix the man page locations and update the wiki, if needed.
  • Siraj: Check with Terena, if she is able to build registration module in SailFin branch. Provide fix, if needed.
  • Sankar: Test newly added commands/features - asadmin login and monitoring stats made available by Prashanth.
  • Prashanth: Provide review to Dixie on Monitoring chapter.
  • Jane: To investigate and help Byron with the build error he is getting for distribution-fragment.