Meeting Minutes for 22 Oct 2007
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Attendees in no particular order: Mike Wright, Mark Saunders, Jane, Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Prashanth, Kedar, Sankar, Siraj, Lloyd, Byron, Nandini QA Update
- Sankar confirms that we have to support both Powerbook and MacBook Pro.
- Few regression bugs have been filed.
Engineering update
- Byron gave an exhilarating talk on startup and shutdown.
- Sreeni updated on GlassFish Samples.
- Everyone updated on his/her bugs and current tasks.
- Most of the questions/concerns that Mike had about the JBI command integration into GlassFish V2 UR1.
Doc Update
- There was no update from doc team.
Bug Update
- We should aggressively fix the bugs.