Attendees Jennifer, Paul, Prashanth, Byron, Sankar, Rajeshwar, Lloyd, Siraj, Dexie, Nacchi and Sreeni AI Sreeni/Prashanth: Schedule a demo, once availabe, for Admin iTeam to demonstrate javascript deployment to fetch GlassFish monitoring data. Discussions Prashanth: Talked about the deployment of javascript on the server to fetch monitoring data. Demo/prototype will be available this week. Sreeni: Talked about leveraging javadb from JDK 6. Talked about different use cases and possibility of providing javadb as UC 2.0 module for users using JRE or older version of JDK. LLoyd: Talked about Gumball annotation framework to instrument mbeans. Round Table Sankar: Working on automation of prelude tests. First draft of test plan for Monitoring is available. QE team reviewing all the onepagers/functional specs which are in read-to-review state. LLoyd: Working on AMX instrumentation and utilities. Sreeni: Extensibility onepager complete. Scheduled ASARCH on March 2. Planning TOI's to other teams on how to implement telemetry objects for their modules. Byron: Shared engineering tip on null pointers. Currently, working on Embedded GlassFish. Jennifer: Wrapping up Embedded GlassFish work. Rajeshwar: Hosted Jersey 1.0.2 to UC 1.0. Worked with ICEfaces engineer to host ICEfaces modules. Following four modules are now available on UC 1.0: ICEfaces Ajax Push Server, ICEfaces Auction Monitor, ICEfaces Component Showcase and ICEfaces WebMC. Checked-in build infrastructure for SailFin SNMP feature which is built on top of GlassFish SNMP feature.