GlassFish V2 Admin Team Meeting Minutes


Sreeni, Jane, Paul, Kedar, Yifeng, Lloyd

Discussion Summary:

  • Documentation Review
    • Paul reminded that the bundled docs review to be completed by 27th.
    • Kedar and Sreeni will co-ordinate the review among engineering team members.
    • For CLI, Jane will do a top level review of the commands.
    • Kedar will do a review of profiles.
    • asadmin help cluster should display the latest version of text. Jane to update the code to refer to latest man pages. Paul will create a P3 bug.
    • Sreeni reminded the engineering team to use wiki (instead of bugster) to provide comments/issues on documentation.
    • Yifeng mentioned that QA has opened several bugs on bundled docs and will be completed today. Paul informed that some of these new bug have been marked incomplete. Yifeng will look into these incomplete bugs and update.
  • Kedar and Sreeni provided update on recent customer meeting with UBS.
  • For code review by admin@glassfish alias, the team concluded that
    • recommended for all the reviews, more so for common code
    • finally it is voluntary and based on personal judgement
