Attendees in no particular order
- HOST: Byron
- Jennifer
- Paul
- Siraj
- Nachiapan
- Nandini
- Anissa
- Sreeni
- Sankar
- Kedar
- Lloyd
Old Business Action Items from last week:
- List of CLI commands are nearly done.
- Monitoring One Pager - small progress
- Admin Infrastructure One Pager - progressing
- REST One Pager -
- Rajeshwar not at meeting
- Lloyd says it will take tons of time.
- CLI one pager needs review
New Business New Action Items
- Online Help
- Byron - Put all help in one jar
- why bother unless local is updated
- still controversial
- CLI Man Pages online
- CONCLUSION - do not do this feature instead use update center to update.
- Code is not dynamically updated. Why should man pages be special?
- MS2
- Each developer should update the doc.
- March 30 deadline for doing the above.
- AI due by March 25: Sreeni & Kedar to provide list of things needed by CTS