Meeting minute for May 24, 2007 Attendes: Ken, Senthil, Mike, Swarna, Senthil, Ana, Steve, Rajeev Agenda for 5/24
- Status and issues relating to Doc.
- QE status and issues
- Bug Status / Issues
- Selenium Testing update
- Developer Issues
- From Rajeev: Until June 5th, we will be mostly working on the rest docs for Beta 3, mostly cluster / JBI documentation.
- Some of the JBI tests are being developed using Selenium and run via Tonga. Mike is not sure if Tonga will make QE Selenium tests sharable with engineering Selenium tests.
- From Li (email after meeting):
- We are focus on beta3 testing now. Because three beta 3 customers that are very important for business, we try to improve admin GUI quality by following approaches:
- Cutting down platforms that automated test suite executed on. Give higher priority to Suse Linux because one customer specific requests.
- Spend more time on manual testing to try to catch more new bugs.
- Do more testing on different browsers: Mozilla 1.7 on Solaris 10; Mozilla 1.7 on linux 4; IE 6/7, Firefox 2, Mozilla 1.7 and Netscape 8 on Window XP and Vista.
- We will do inline and online help review in 2 weeks.
Bug Status / Issues
- Senthil, Ken, and Ana had 1 or 2 P3 bugs, no issues.
- Mike (and team) will be focusing on bugs full time until FCS code freeze.
- Mike has "usability bugs" such as Monitoring JBI components for developer profile, drilling down monitoring into service units, and monitoring JBI runtime (depends on backend which is still in development) which he is trying to address – this includes adding new functionality.
- Ken expressed concern about adding new functionality due to impact on I18N, Testing, Docs, Schedule.
- Mike has seen some intermittent breadcrumb issues
- JBI Runtime still needs to add support for some of their usecases.
- Mike let everyone know as an FYI that he will be taking 7 days of vacation between now and FCS.
- Senthil raised the issue of 508 compliance and will check with Li to see if this is planned.
- Swarna has worked on switching to TestNG
- Priti will present to Swarna maybe Andre and others on TestNG with Selenium, Priti may also produce some screencasts as tutorials on how to do things
Developer issue:
- Developer issues were discussed during bug discussion.