Date and Time

March 25th @ 2:00pm IST


CV, Yamini, Srini, Suma, Swetha.

Round Table

Srini :

  • SAF/AMF : Review completed by Nandini
  1. Action : @Srini – Send a reminder to Kedar.
  • Rolling Upgrade : Waiting for an update from Shankar, review yet to done in engineering meeting.
  • GMS :
  1. Prototype is tested
  2. Need to add more logging messages.
  3. Action :
  • >@Srini – To be completed by this week.
  • >@Yamini – To forward a GMS related mail to Srini.

Suma :

  • SGCS: Traffic handling Start-up:
  1. Review completed, two tests are failing.
  1. Working on the fix.
  • Overload Protection: There was a review on Monday in engineering meeting.
  1. Action: @Yamini – Send a mail to Robert on this.

Swetha :

  • Multi home support/FE-BE Traffic separation:
  1. Final set of CLI changes to be sent for the review.
  2. Mail has to be sent to Irfan for the GUI review .
  • Logging:
  1. Localization of the administration and integration module completed.
  2. Shankar has posted a one pager on Logging.
  3. Action: @Swetha – To send the changes for review.

Yamini :

  • MMS :
  1. Found few admin issues.
  1. Kedar or Nazrul will address these issues.
  1. Had meeting with Kedar regarding this.
  1. Action:
  • >Raise bugs for the issues.
  • >Organize meeting Nazul.
  • >Communicate Srikanth about this.
  • Spec review :
  1. To look at all the functional one pager and identify the admin issues.
  1. Monitoring spec is updated, got the feedback from the Ericsson folks.
  1. Overall admin spec needs information from other spec's.

Other Updates:

  1. Identification of the admin features for this milestone is done.
  1. Milestone-1 : April 21st.
  1. Support training: April 1St , Wednesday (1:30pm).