Meeting Minutes for January 28, 2008
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Attendees: Sreeni, Paul, Jane, Sankar, Tim, Jennifer, Prashanth, Siraj, Deepa, Rajeshwar Discussion Summary
- Review of CLI commands for TP2
- CLI commands for TP2 are identified. Commands to support only developer profile will be provided. Cluster & Node agent are not supported. "target" option is ignored. Not supported options will be treated as NULL.
- Presentation on V3 Unit Testing by Deepa
- Deepa gave overview of testing infrasturcture and talked about self contained unit testing using mockup objects/containers in off-line mode and end-to-end integration testing with running server/containers.
- Doc Update from Paul:
- Documentation team working on doc plans for V3/TP2.
- QA Update from Sankar:
- Working on Sailfin. Will be focusing on Monitoring and CallFlow.
- Sanker questioned about exact options supported by TP2 CLI.
- AI - Sankar to talk to individual module leads for exact supported options. Module leads are expected to provide details in a weeks timeframe.
- Jane: Looking into V3 deployment, in specific, directory deployment and file upload details.
- AI: Jane to cross link General V3 CLI commands page and TP2 CLI commands page.
- Tim: Started focusing on Application Management task for TP2. ACC in V2 will be ported as it is to V3 for TP2 timeframe. ACC not a requirement for TP2. For TP2 following application managment tasks are targetted- deploy, redeploy, enable and disable. These are supported only for Web applications. Tim mentioned some level of JPA support will be there.
- Sreen: Talked about Runtime management design and planning. He briefed about defining runtime management using annotations. He talked about generation of static and dynamic runtime mbeans and intergration of infrastruture with Hk2.
- Sreeni talked to CTS team about the CTS requirements for TP2. CTS team will get back. Sreeni is following up on that. Part of TP2 delivarables will be CTS tested. CLI commands identified.
- Prashanth: Briefed about V3 monitoring.
- Siraj: Was involved with finalization of TP2 commands.
- Rajeshwar: Was busy with registration campaign promotion activities and started looking into REST architecture.
- Jennifer: Jennifer introduced herself. Her first iTeam meeting after her long break.