Administration I-Team Meeting Minutes 28 July 2008


Byron, Jennifer, Paul, Sreeni


Review of Action Items

V3 Prelude deliverables SCF (11aug08)

With the slip of SCF to August 11, the team has 1 more week to complete these deliverables.

Update by QA, Documentation and Development Teams

QA: No update this week.


    • One-pagers and Functional Specs.* Sreeni sent email last Friday to remind developers that the deadline for finalizing their one-pagers and functions specs is today, July 28, 2008.
    • Monitoring.* Jennifer is working on the monitoring UI. In v3 Prelude, no charts will be provided, only basic tables for the web container and the HTTP service. The UI will provide similar configuration options to v2, namely the ability to turn on or turn off monitoring.
    • Functionality for the get and set Commands.* The initial implementation was incompatible with v2. Jerome is working on fixing this incompatibility. Sreeni is supporting this work during Jerome's vacation.
    • Workspace Reorganization.* Sreeni is reorganizing the workspace to facilitate the creation of IPS packages for distribution through the Update Center. This reorganization will be performed in the following phases:
    1. CLI
    2. Configuration
    3. AMX API
    • Embeddable GlassFish.* Byron is finalizing the functional specification for embeddable GlassFish. The functionality for embedding GlassFish does not work with builds that date from after April 2008.
    • Configuration Issues.* Byron has discovered that missing configuration elements prevent GlassFish from starting. More robust code and better error messages are needed. Byron will file an issue against this problem.


    • Administration Guide.* Dixie submitted a new draft of the Administration Guide for review late last week.
    • Document Plan.* Kedar has agreed to provide this week a definitive list of the commands that are to be supplied with v3 Prelude. This list is required to enable documentation to determine which commands to document (and, presumably QA to determine which commands to test). The use of list-commands is not a substitute for such a list, as list-commands lists only the commands in the build, which might not correspond to the list of commands that are actually to be provided.

Customer Interaction, Arch. update if any

No update this week.

Open Mic.

Sreeni mentioned that a test plan from QA is still to be provided.

AI: QA to provide a test plan for the v3 Prelude release.