Meeting Minutes for 29 Oct 2007

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Attendees: Mike Wright, Jane, Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Sankar, Byron, Paul, Hong


  • Sankar infromed that testing for UR1 on Windows 2003 and Sailfin MS2 are being done. No results yet as the test environment is being stabilized.


  • Paul mentioned that he is currently working on JBI Screens and CLI which will be followed by Sysnet and Unbundled documentation.


  • Mike and Jane confirmed that the CLI support for JBI is going on well.
  • Sreeni discussed the implementation of addons in V2 and the enhancments for V3.
  • Hong informed the members about Sailfin specific use cases of Application Management.
  • Everyone updated on his/her bugs, current tasks.

Cutomer Interactions

  • Paul and Byron talked about their customer interactions.

UR1 Update

  • Members confirmed that there are few bugs which will be fixed in time to meet the soft code freeze date 10/30.
  • Mike mentioned that for JBI, some of the bugs will be fixed in next mile stone but before hard code freeze.

Sailfin Update

  • Mike mentioned that the JBI milestone 3 version called 'Sierra' will be delived by end of Nov.