GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Build


Build is an important integral of 3.1 project. Build involves building GlassFish 3.1 workspace, packaging, creating distributions and publishing Maven artifacts and distributions to

For 3.1 milestone, the plan is to continue with the Hudson build jobs that runs continuously, nightly and weekly. The weekly job promotes the distributions. Both nightly and weekly bundles include IPS packaging and are published to


Feature ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
Build-001 P1 Weekly promoted build Yes Jane, Jill, Trilok 5 days Feature parity This includes creating Hudson jobs for running CTS, QL (on zip and installer bundles), QE SmokeTests and SDK build/promotion. This also includes publishing Maven artifacts and pushing IPS packages to UC zones.
Build-002 P1 Nightly build Yes Jane, Jill Already available Feature parity  
Build-003 P1 Javadocs for GlassFish APIs and JavaEE APIs Yes Jane Young 5 days Feature parity If all external sources artifacts are published to Maven, will use maven to generate javadocs.
Build-004 P1 RI Source bundle Yes Jane Young 10 days Feature parity  
Build-005 P2 Build from source Yes Jane Young 30 days or more   Module owners are required to provide the source build for all external projects added to 3.1. The following modules are exempted from source build: python, update center, jdk, mq
Build-006 P2 Hudson Job to check Copyright dates Yes Jane Young 5 days Bill Shannon  
Build-007 P3 Build Improvements. See here . Maybe Jane Young 50 days or more    

Feature Overview

Build is an on-going support to the engineers resolving build issues and ensuring that the promoted builds are stable and ready for QA testing.

Design Document

Build Instructions: FullBuildInstructions
Release Instructions: V3ReleaseProcess
Source Build Proposal: SourceBuildProposal

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
01. MS1 Build-001 Weekly promoted build N/A Completed
02. MS1 Build-002 Nightly build N/A Completed
03. MS5 Build-003 JavaDocs N/A Planned
04. MS5 Build-004 RI Source bundle N/A Planned
05. MS5 Build-005 Build from source N/A Planned
06. MS6   Promote RC N/A RC artifacts are not published to Maven until final release.

Task List

Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
Provide nightly build MS1     Jane, Jill Build-001 Completed
Provide weekly promoted build MS1 5/17 5/21 Jane, Trilok, Jill Build-002 Planned
JavaDocs MS5 7/26 7/30 Jane Build-003 Hudson job to generate and publish JavaDocs
RI Source bundle MS5 7/12 7/23 Jane Build-004 Hudson job to create RI source bundle
Hudson Job to check Copyright MS4 6/28 7/2 Jane Build-006  
Build from source MS5 5/28 - Jane Build-005 Dependency on module owners delivering the source build of the external projects.
Branch RC MS5-MS6 9/13 11/22 Jane    
Promote RC MS6 11/21 11/22 Jane    

Dev Tests

  • Not Available.


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