GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Logging & Diagnostics

This wiki page / document details how Logging will work on GlassFish 3.1.


The logging facility for GlassFish V3.1 will simplify the logging code to leaverage the JDK logging utility as much as possible. Carry forward existing v3 functionality for logging.


Feature ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
LOG-001 P1 Error message reference Yes Naman, Dies Koper   Feature parity Message ids for all SEVERE, WARNING and INFO messages
LOG-002 P2 Diagnostic messages for SEVERE and WARNING messages Yes Naman   Feature parity Move messageIds and messages to file. Going to create P2 bug for all modules. Integrate maven plugin with build.
LOG-003 P2 Integration of remote instances for Logging Yes Naman   Feature parity Update back end code to integrate with remote instances for logging.
LOG-004 P3 Support for CLIs Yes Naman   Feature parity Planning to add most used logging CLIs of GlassFish 2.x for backward compatibility.
LOG-005 P3 Sync-up wiki error message reference from wiki to file Yes Naman   Feature parity Migration of error messages from above wiki to files in v3 workspace. Go to wiki page check error message reference if missing add to appropriate file.
LOG-006 P3 Sync-up log message from file error message reference from wiki Yes Naman   Feature parity Publish the information in the GlassFish documentation set in a form similar to the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Error Message Reference. The content will be generated from the
LOG-007 P3 Leverage SSH to show log messages when server instance is not running Yes Naman   Feature parity Update the log viewer code to pass instance info. If file is not local used SSH to get the same. It relates to LOG-003.
LOG-008 P3 Provide CLI that collects all the logs files for a cluster and returns as a zip file Yes Naman   Feature parity Include all logs - DAS, remote instance, node-agent (when available); organize the files under labeled dirs - example: node123/DAS/server.log, nodeXYZ/instance1/server.log, nodeABC/instance2/server.log
LOG-009 P3 Expand search criteria when viewing log files Yes Naman   Feature parity Update GUI code to filter log messages. Need more search options in LogViewer. Need to get inputs from community about more search options.
LOG-010 P3 Log Viewer integration for rotated server log files Yes Naman   Feature parity Update GUI to display available log files for given instance

Feature Overview

All (INFO/WARN/SEVERE) messages logged to the server.log to have unique message Ids. All hard-coded messages need to move in respective file with proper message Ids. Add support to retrieve Diagnostic info based on message id found in message body. Once developers adds the diagnostic information (message IDs to all messages) then we need to work with the admin team to get the reports added to the console. Support for GlassFish 2.x CLIs for backward compatibility, this need to be decided by the inputs given by community and module owners.

Design Document

One Pager

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments / Dependencies
01. MS1 N/A Detailed investigation and impl spec No Done
02. MS2 LOG-001 Message ids for all SEVERE, WARNING and INFO messages Yes Done
03. MS3 LOG-002 Diagnostic info updated by module owners to file Yes Create P2 bug for all module owners to update the same; to catch new regressions integrate maven plugin with build so that GlassFish developers get warning messages during build.
04. MS3 LOG-003 Remote instance integration for Logging Yes Done
05. MS4 LOG-007 Log viewer integration for remote instance Yes Done
06. MS4 LOG-009 More search options for Log Viewer Yes Done
07. MS5 LOG-010 Log Viewer integration for Rotated log files Yes Done
08. MS5 LOG-008 CLI that collects all log files and creates zip Yes Done
09. MS5 LOG-005 Migration work from v2 wiki for missing error message reference in v3 workspace. No It's needed if we found missing error key reference in v3 workspace.
10. MS5 LOG-006 wiki page for diagnostic info No Doc teams need to update the same.

Task List

Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
Detailed investigation and impl spec. Taking ownership from Carla Mott. Understanding existing code and features. MS1 4/25/10 5/21/10 Naman N/A Done
Message ids for all SEVERE, WARNING and INFO messages MS2 5/24/10 6/21/10 Naman, Dies Koper LOG-001 Done
Creating P2 bug for all module owners to update diagnostic info in file MS2 5/24/10 5/28/10 Naman LOG-002 Done. Raised multiple bugs for different modules.
Remote instance integration for Logging MS3 5/24/10 7/19/10 Naman LOG-003 Done
Update existing Logging command to add --target option MS3 5/24/10 7/19/10 Naman LOG-003 Done
Log viewer integration for remote instance MS4 6/23/10 8/16/10 Naman LOG-007 Back-End code changes are done. GUI changes are pending.
More search options for Log Viewer MS4 6/23/10 8/18/10 Naman LOG-009 New Search option like "Any Search" is added. Back-End code changes are done. GUI changes are pending.
Log Viewer integration for rotated log files MS5 7/20/10 8/23/10 Naman LOG-010 Back-End code changes are done. GUI changes are pending.
CLI that collects all log files and creates zip MS5 8/17/10 9/23/10 Naman LOG-008 Done
Sync-up wiki error message reference from wiki to file MS5 8/17/10 9/23/10 Naman LOG-005 No changes needed for development side. It's from v2 to v3.
Sync-up log message from file error message reference from wiki MS5 8/17/10 9/23/10 Doc Team LOG-006 Depends on doc team schedule. No changes needed for development side. It's about populating data from file to wiki.

Dev Tests

Nothing specific to Logging. But need to verify against available GlassFish QL.


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