GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 New Security Features

This page describes the New Security Features that we intend to add in GlassFish V3.1 release. This is in addition to Clustering support (which is the main theme for V3.1).

  • Kumar Jayanti
  • Nithya Subramanian


The following new features are being planned for the GlassFish Open Source Edition 3.1 release

Feature-ID Owner Man Days Priority Description Status/Comments
SEC-001 Sudarsan 7 1 Fixing master password set in and system properties 80% complete, cleaned up code in Admin and Security Modules that deal with this. Working to fix how Grizzly gets this information securely. There is also a JarSigner usage in AppClient that seems to expect a password from the SecuritySupport SPI which needs to be cleaned up similarly
SEC-002 Kumar/Nithya 10 1 Cleanup universal grants in server.policy some of the universal grants in server.policy are too accomodating and we need to clean it up to make the appserver more secure by default.
SEC-003 Nithya 10 3 Securing access to the NameService 80% complete, fix also backported to v3.0.1., details here , Additional work is to make enhancements that were being experimented for Puma, Utilize the code changes Ron made
SEC-004 Kumar & Nithya ? 3 FailOver and Loadbalancing of Secure IIOP requests Dependency on Corba team. See Corba Slides
SEC-005 Nithya & Kumar ? 3 WebLogic Deployment Descriptor Support More details here
SEC-006 Sudarsan Completed 2 Extend Certificate realm to allow custom validation and group assignment based on the recieved client certificate in an SSL Mutual Authentcation. Completed
SEC-007 Nithya 5 3 Finalize the support for PAM Realm in V3.1. This will allow secure apps deployed on V3.1 to authenticate its users against the native Solaris/Linux users list. 90% done.
SEC-008 Nithya/Kumar 10 3 Use of Tubes in GlassFish instead of Pipes for supporting Asychrony. Methods on the pipe are synchronous and hold on to the thread. Risk : There is some talk of JAXWS defning another new API. Need to check on its timelines.
SEC-009 Kumar 20 3 Support for application scoped permissions : policies bundled in application jar's Could be more powerful if 10) is implemented
SEC-010 Kumar/Ron (mostly e-mail communication - not full time work) 3 Coordinate with the classloader team on retaining the Jar Signer information.  
SEC-011 Kumar/Nithya 15 3 Support for custom web principals Users requested this feature on the forums and also required for spec compatibility w.r.t Servlet Profile of JSR 196 (see ron's notes )
SEC-012 Kumar/Nithya 15 4 Support for Dynamic Keystores. GlassFish currently has the limitation that Key-Passwords have to be the same as KeyStore Password (

). The class abstracts the construction and initialization of a KeyStore object. It supports the use of CallbackHandlers for password prompting and can be subclassed to support additional features as desired by an application. For example, it is possible to implement a Builder that allows individual KeyStore entries to be protected with different passwords. The class then can be used to initialize a KeyManagerFactory using one or more of these Builder objects.

SEC-013 Ron ? 1 Fixing defects in the Security chapter of Servlet 3.0  
SEC-014 Ron & Kumar 25 4 including a portable JAAS based jsr 196 AuthConfigProvider as a separate module within Glassfish (to allow the configuration of Servlet (and perhaps SOAP) based auth modules via the standard JAAS config file.  
SEC-015 Kumar & Nithya ? 1 OAM support for 3.1. In addition, OAM support enables us to use OWSM for configuring web services policy and therefore we will have to also test OWSM interop for 3.1 we will need to provide a backport for 2.x release. More details on the current proposal for OAM support are here . The OWSM interop scenarios defined would require support for Policy Alternatives in Metro 2.1 .
SEC-016 Kumar & Nithya ? 1 Security related CLI support for 3.1 Need to verify existing security related CLIs and provide --target support to enable cluster security infrastructure support. Refer to GlassFish 3.1 features wiki (Security section) for complete CLI list.