3.1 Packaging One-pager Review

Document: 3.1PackagingOnePager

Reviewer: AlexisMP

Review date: June 22nd 2010

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
4.1 Clarification Will the existing 3.0.x packages also preserve the same dependencies as they have today? Question Any updates to the "classification" meta-data? What about other meta-data such as maintainer, upstream code, etc, which seem to be available in the latest UC2 and associated maven plugin? This is maybe more of a question for non-core GlassFish packages. Question Should shoal and glassfish-ant-tasks packages which currently are listed as not having any dependency depend on at least, say glassfish-nucleus? Clarification What is the expected size of glassfish-cluster-gui? Would it make sense to have this be part of glassfish-gui instead? I would imagine a user wanting all or nothing when it comes to GUI, not everything expect the cluster-related part Clarification Those packages available only from the update center, it should probably be stated that this is from the "stable" repository Question With IPS, how can one package glassfish-jms-ra replace another glassfish-generic-ra?  
4.9 Question Will the I18N and L10N packages double the number of packages available from the update center? If I installed the non-ML version, can I just not see them?  
4.10.3 Clarification Can you explain the role of incorporation packages?  
4.13.2 Question Is UpdateCenter 3.2 the version that presents the user with the license when installing a package from the CLI (pkg)?