GlassFish 3.1 SSH Provisioning QA Handoff Meeting

Meeting Logistics

Fri August 27th 10:00PM PT

Conference Room: US-SNTACL22-CONF-1307_Jujubes

US toll free: 866-682-4770
Outside US: See list
Access code: 431 2510#
Security code: 1111#
(*6 to mute/#6 to unmute)


New Features

SSHPRO-010 Support SSH password authentication 3.1SSHAuthentication
SSHPRO-018 Support encrypted key file with SSH public key authentication 3.1SSHAuthentication
SSHPRO-016 Handle "node-agent" elements during v2 upgrade 3.1SSHProvisioningDesign
update-node-ssh and update-node-config 3.1SSHProvisioningDesign
