Item |
Section |
Comment |
Response |
anissa-1 |
General |
many occurrence of v3.1, this should be changed to 3.1. 'v' is dropped for 3.1 release |
Done |
anissa-2 |
4.1 Provide CLI that collects all the logs files for a cluster and returns as a zip file |
GUI may provide a button for user to download this zip file. Will need you to support that |
The zip file is available under GF home. So no need of button as of now. |
anissa-3 |
4.1 There should be wiki page mentainted for all diagnostic info |
who is responsible for creating and maintaining this wiki page ? docs ? logging module or the other sub-project itself |
Already sent mail to Paul (doc team) and you. As per paul 'Keeping the content of the wiki and files would be a major maintenance effort.' |
anissa-4 |
4.7 New search options need to be added as part of Log Viewer. |
What are the new serach options that you want ? There are many search options available already. Are you talking about based on instance ? Please list out the new search options |
That I need to check with community and based on that I can decide so update this later on. |
anissa-5 |
4.7 New CLI commands need to be added from previous release of GlassFish 2.1 to support backward compatibility. |
What are the CLI commands that will be added back ? Please list it out here |
Done |
anissa-6 |
5 Reference Document |
Please link your project task page to here so info can be accessed easily |
Done |
anissa-7 |
General |
In v3, GUI gets the list of logs through AMX mbean. You need to provide a REST API for GUI to retrieve the logs, based on the instance name and other search criteria. You may want to work with Ludo/Jason on this. |
Going to check with them and update you later on this. |
anissa-8 |
General |
Will user have access to the logs if the instance is not running ? |
It is based on above requirement. |
vbk-1 |
general |
my comments are the result of reviewing revision 6 of this document |
Ok |
vbk-2 |
general |
putting this document in native wiki markup would make it easier to review and collaborate on |
Will do it later on if time permits |
vbk-3 |
3.1 |
will the new CLI that creates a ZIP for a cluster also work for stand-alone instances? |
No |
vbk-4 |
missing |
what is the syntax of the new 'collect and zip' command? |
./asadmin collect-log-files --target server/cluster. |
vbk-5 |
4.1 |
the 'collect and zip' command needs to be able to write the data locally... not is the home directory of a remote server... The GUI will also need a way to say where to put the file. |
Not yet finalized. |
vbk-6 |
4.5.1 |
are these new interfaces or changed interfaces? |
Existing interface with new APIs |
vbk-7 |
4.5.1 |
the new search options need to be added to this list somehow? |
Not yet finalized. Send mail to dev alias but not received any response yet. |
vbk-8 |
missing from 4.5.1 |
need REST api to get log data from a running server to support log view improvements in NetBeans and Eclipse. |
Stated discussion with Ludo and Jasson and assigned bug to them for the same. |