New Bugs/RFE's Updates (updated as of 3/24/08)

We have created a Beta Branch (SJSAS911_BETA_BRANCH) for the beta release where only pre-approved (Status Whiteboard 911BetaApproved) issues can be fixed in.
Pre-approved issues for FCS (Status Whiteboard 911Approved) can be checked into the main trunk (SJSAS91_FCS_BRANCH)

New Bugs/RFE's Approval Guidelines

These are the general guidelines for new issues that will be approved for v2.1. It is not a guarantee that issues that match the criteria will be approved automatically - we will still be reviewing it on a case by case basis.
Note: As the release gets closer, this list will become smaller.

  1. Security Issues
  2. Issues with no workarounds or with significant costs to work arounds
  3. Issues that will likely be pain points to customers and adoption
  4. Critical issues (as deemed by module owners and the approval owners)
  5. Spec compliance issues

Bugs/RFEs Submission Required Information:

Here are some of the questions that we would like to bring up before taking up additional changes to the v2.1 release. Please send a mail to approval owners

  • Justification of why the changes are required :
  • Scope of change :
    • What are the jar files added/changed?
    • Config changes? How does it affect upgrade?
    • Does it rev up the version of an existing API which will impact potentially SailFin?
    • What existing components of AS use this? (for ex admin, deployment, synchronization, security)
  • Impact to release :
    • Major/Minor
    • Testing impact if adding any functionality
    • Impact on CTS/Docs/Perf
    • Integration
  • Schedule of when change will be committed:
    • Milestones, Beta, FCS
  • Confidence level that the fix won't negatively effect other components :

Approval Owners


Check in guidelines for submitting bug fixes
Check In Guidelines for SailFin Branch