Add-On Component Development Guide Comments Page

This document explains how to use published interfaces of Sun GlassFish(TM) Enterprise Server to develop add-on components for Enterprise Server. This document explains how to perform only those tasks that ensure that the add-on component is suitable for Enterprise Server.

This document is for software developers who are developing add-on components for Enterprise Server. This document assumes that the developers are working with an Enterprise Server distribution or GlassFish community distribution. Access to the source code of the GlassFish project is not required to perform the tasks in this document. This document also assumes familiarity with the Java^TM^ programming language.

The latest version of this document is available in PDF format. This version applies to GlassFish v3.

Comments on this version will be considered for a future update.

See resolved comments.


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Comment ID Date Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status – (RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED)
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sreeni-011 22-Oct-2008 Remark 4-15 & 4-17 The command is passed to the server using REST like API as an http url with properties and values. Once it is received by the server it parses the params, forms admincontext and injects the specified params. In addition, the admincontext has objects like ActionReport which is used to report the return status of the command. DEFER
janey-14 24-Oct-2008 pg 57 Remark 4-13 The developer need to provide code in execute method to display the text to the client. DEFER
janey-15 24-Oct-2008 pg 57-58 Remark 4-14 Agree with the remark that this section is incomplete especially the Example. The Example code should demonstrate how localized message is used. Let me know if you need help with this. DEFER
janey-17 24-Oct-2008 pg 59 Remark 4-16 Not sure how much detail we want to get into here. Tim has a good UML sequence diagram in his TOI presentation . See slide #13. Is this document supposed to have the implementation detail. Maybe I'm going off tangent here. DEFER
janey-18 24-Oct-2008 pg 59 Remark 4-17 How much detail do we need here? Can we provide the java doc api for AdminCommandContext class? DEFER

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SGFESADDONDEV.pdf (application/pdf)
chap3.pdf (application/pdf)