Admin Console Demo for MS3 Clustering management support including Listing/Create/Delete of Nodes, Clusters and Standalone instances. Start and Stop of instances and clusters. Full Application Deployment support targeting any clusters and instances. Team This demo is brought to you by the Admin Console team:
- Anissa Lam
- Ken Paulsen
- Jason Lee
- Srinivas Krishnan
- Sumasri Uppala
Demo Note: This demo is shown using just 1 machine, so the additional Nodes, standalone instances and clusters are all running on localhost. If you have another machine that has configured SSH to use key (certificate) authentication, you can create the additional Node by supplying all the information on the screen. The rest of the demo will be the same. Setup:
- Install GlassFish 3.1 Open Source Edition MS3
- Download
- unzip
- Start up Domain
- glassfishv3/glassfish/bin/start-domain domain1
- Start up Admin Console
- go to http://localhost:4848
1. Application Deployment when there is only DAS The demo shows the deployment and applications related screens when there is only DAS. This is to have the same developer experience as in v3.
- From the tree, go to Applications tree node, click Deploy button
- Notice that there is no need to select any Target, now select hello.war and press Ok
- Notice that hello.war is deployed and the Enabled column showed the 'check mark' indicating the app is enabled
- click on 'hello', notice that there is only 2 tabs: General and Descriptor
2. Listing and Creating Nodes This shows how you can create a Node and listing out what is available in the domain.
- From the tree, go to 'Nodes' which lists out the Nodes that is available.
- click New to create a new Node. Fill in the following info and click OK. (Note: if you have other machine with SSH setup, enter the information appropriately.
- Name: Another
- Node Host: localhost
- Installation Directory: /export/glassfishv3
- The new Node, Another, is successfully created and listed.
3. Clusters management Using the Node created from previous step, you can create cluster, and its instances. Start the instance, delete a cluster etc.
- Click on the 'Clusters' Tree node. click on New... to create the cluster
- Enter the following information:
- Cluster Name: clusterABC
- Configuration: default-config
- Click on New... button to create the instances. Create 2 instances:
- Instance Name: ABC-1 , Node: localhost
- instance Name: ABC-2, Node: Another
- click Ok and the clusters table will show the newly created cluster
- Examine the cluster by clicking on the 'clusterABC' link.
- Click on Instances Tab, this shows the instances, configuration and status etc.
- Select ABC-2 , click Start button.
- Note that the status for ABC-2 has changed to Started
- Click the Clusters tree node again. Notice the status has changed also.
- Create additional cluster, XYZ, with 1 or 2 instances
- Select this new cluster and press Delete button
- Note that the instances, and the cluster is deleted together. (In CLI, you need to create the instance first, then the cluster)
4. Stand-Alone Instances management Using the Node created previous, this shows you how to create/delete/start standalone instance.
- Select 'Stand-Alone Instances' tree node
- Click the New... button to create a new instance
- Enter the following information and click OK button
- Instance Name: StandAlone1
- Node: localhost
- default-config
- Make a copy of the selected Configuration
- The table listed out this newly created instance.
- Select 'StandAlone1' and click Start
- The status refreshed once this instance is up and running
5. Application Deployment User experience will be different than when there is only DAS.
- Click the Applcations Tree node
- Notice that the Status column has changed. It now says "Enabled on All Targets".
- Click Deploy... button. Notice that you now can select any of the clusters and standalone instance as target.
- Select StandAlone1 and add that to the selected Target
- Click ok to deploy
- Click on 'Enabled on All Targets' hyperlink
- Select 'StandAlone' and then 'Disabled' from the '
- More Actions- ' dropdown. Notice that the status changed.
- Click on Manage Target... button to add or remove targets
- Add the ClusterABC target
- Click on General tab, examine the Modules and Components
- Click the Cancel button to get back to Applications listing
- Notice that the Status now says Enabled on 2 Target(s)
6. Monitoring through REST API Like many of the pages, the monitoring statistics page has been converted to use REST API instead of through AMX. However, due to issue# 12762, you will need to add <monitoring-service> element in domain.xml to see the statistics showing up correctly.
- Click on Monitoring Tree Node to configure monitoring level
- Change Web Container level to HIGH, click SAVE
- Deploy an application to "server", I use stateless-simple.ear
- Go to Applications -> stateless-simple tree node.
- Click the launch link, this will launch the application
- Go to Admin Server -> Monitoring tab
- Select this application and also TheGreeter component
- Note the statistic given.